In this episode of 'Hitting Your Stride', Tracey Mitchell sits down with Christian Lowe to discuss the trade and finding his niche.
Equine Ownership
An update on Finances, Strategic Plan, Bylaws, and PTSOs from EC’s AGM, including objectives and where things currently stand.
Whether we like it or not, AI is creeping into many aspects of modern life; here's a look at whether it has a place in the world of dressage.
Krill oil, shitake mushrooms, resveratrol, Coenzyme Q10? A look at some of the more interesting products and compounds for horses.
This summer saw some awesome competition and casual #OOTD being sported in and out of the ring; here are a few of our fave looks.
A collection of friends, family, grooms, owners and coaches on the sidelines, lifting horses over fences with their collective will.
A collection of videos of equines going bananas with their fave toys to brighten your day.
At least 50% of sport and leisure horses considered sound by their riders are actually lame; the ridden horse checklist can help determine discomfort.
It's a hot topic for horse owners right now who want a healthier diet for their horses ‒ but there are surprises about some 'grain-free' products.
In this exclusive excerpt, movement analysis specialist and physical therapist Stefan Stammer looks at some common training buzzwords.