Some riders actually thrive on performing under pressure with a crowd watching – you can learn to embrace the pressure as well.
This simple four-jump setup can be used a multitude of ways to improve straightness, control, precision, form and more.
Preparing the young horse for its adult life can help ensure a good life and improve safety in the horse-human relationship.
This is a great way to teach consistency and staying in the moment with the consequence of any mistakes being very low.
What top riders and industry pros at the 2024 Royal Winter Fair had to say about their journeys ‒ and how to pursue your own passion.
This presentation from the ISES conference looks at indicators of positive/negative equine emotions and how humans and AI can recognize them.
Achieving 'lightness' requires a shift of focus away from controlling the neck and head, and more attention directed to the seat and leg.
In this exclusive excerpt from her latest book, the Olympic gold medalist discusses dressage training on the trail.
This simple exercise is designed to teach the horse rhythm, straightness, self-carriage, focus, attentiveness and patience.
Treating a horse over the wither from the mounting block can reduce mounting time and eliminate avoidance behaviour.