Fans of ‘desert racing’ seem baffled by the suspension - not surprising, against a background of widespread disregard for the rules.
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The FEI thinks WADA’s reduced suspensions with social drugs taken out of competition has gone too far ‒ but its hands are tied.
Five years after EC's updated governance launch, the areas that were predicted to be a concern have indeed created serious challenges.
Riders are devastated that one of their favorite three-day events may not run again because of a controversy about its name.
A massive payday draws 50 riders to the $500,000 grand prix as they seek to quench their pandemic drought, thanks to organizer Tom Struzzieri and his team.
The FEI Tribunal is worried about the number of doping cases linked to people on meds relieving themselves in the stable.
An 18-year ban for abuse, exposure to CAS and dilemmas over the WEC keep endurance in the headlines during the Covid hiatus.
Back in the spring, the FEI invited riders to comment on key anti-doping changes, particularly the hot topic of contamination. Guess how many replied...
Facing cancellation because of the pandemic, the Pennsylvania, Washington and Kentucky fall horse shows work together to avoid the Royal’s fate.
The Tokyo Games still aren’t anywhere close to a sure thing for 2021; everything depends on the course of the Covid-19 pandemic.