Online Exclusives

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Selena’s ten cents worth #4

Alright CANADA!!!! Now it’s ON.  I am so glad I went first thing in the day. I hate that sick feeling you get when you are nervous for cross country. Can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t function really.  I walked the cours
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XC Day

Oh Canada……   I don’t know if any team has ever had six clear rounds in the history of the WEG.  WE ROCKED.  Not only that but they made it look easy.  Horse after Canadian horse went out and romped around t
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Canada! Canada! CANADA!!!!!

I hate those stupid texting acronyms but OMG Canada is third after cross country and Steph R-B, the daughter I never had, is sixth! Sixth! Are you reading me in Canada? This is EPIC. The last time Canada was in this kind of shape at a World Champions
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Selena’s 10cents worth 3

Phew… what a lot of walking! Not only do I get the pleasure of walking the course, A LOT. But the walking to and fro is something else here at WEG’s. We started the day by cheering on Rebecca. She looked wonderful in the warm up. Rupert w
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Second Day of Dressage

It was another busy day here at the horse park.  We got up early to make sure we were there in plenty time to watch Rebecca Howard and Riddle Master do their dressage.  They put in a great test.  As with Jess and Exponential, Rebecca a
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Live stream, the final part

Laura B – I wish I loved her music but I just can’t. It does everything – it’s totally correct – but it just doesn’t have a soul and Alf really deserves music with a soul as big as his. Sorry Cees – you know I admire the hell out of you
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Live blog part II

Nathalie the Danish princess – I’m pretty sure this is the same Westside Story music she used in Hong Kong. And I’m still not a fan. That musical has been used SO MUCH. There were actually two riders using it in HK. The tempo seldom matches the
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Live stream blog part 1

Excuse the incomplete sentences and rushed sounding text – but I have to keep running back to the media centre because the signal isn’t working in the stadium.   Pierre St. Jacques did a wonderful demo and I have to brag just a littl
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Live blog streaming from the freestyles

Hi everyone. Due to the tremendousness of tonight and the absolutely crazy schedule of starting before dawn to get to cross country tomorrow only about six hours after the press conference after the freestyles, I will attempt to keep you up to speed
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Selenas 10 cents worth #2

Hmmm….well….I was going to write about the test of a life time;)  Instead I will tell you how I rode what I had under me on the day.  Colombo is the fittest I think he has ever been with me. Pam and I can’t even lead him a