Online Exclusives

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Introducing Teutonilas

This post comes with a warning: if you are German and you don’t think you can get past the criticism without thinking I am lumping all Germans into the same tarred and feathered box, then maybe you should go have a laugh on or get up
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World, Hold On

Yes there is more on the GDF, much more! Sorry to be a heel dragger, but the week got kind of wild with looking at horses, shopping til dropping at Dutch and Belgian tack stores, and a little matter of no internet access once the GDF ended on Tuesday
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Think Globally. Act Like a DQ

Here we are, bright eyed and bushy tailed, on the morning of day two of the 2010 GDF. It’s the tenth anniversary of the event, which is good to see. I wondered in 2009 if that would be the last one, but not only did the show go on, Joep Bartels say
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Elite Auction

This week has been lots of fun. I went to the presentations of the horses for the auction earlier this week. I saw 45 horses go. One nice one after another, and everyone very different from the next.  Each horse brought something different
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‘The Move’ is on!

It’s absolutely frantic here right now.  I am only riding one horse a day with all of our babies and our own horses out of work.  Colombo is also enjoying being a pig pen in the mud.  So why “frantic” I hear you ask&#
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Table Scraps

Here it is, my final parting shot from WEG – it might not be the last thing I say about it, but this will be the last post I dedicate entirely to it. I have to clear my mental shelves between now and my flight to Amsterdam tomorrow night. Gotta mak
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Back in Holland

It’s been a sunny but cold first week back in Holland. I am also learning what Jet lag is about now. Before I never suffered from Jet lag at all, I could bounce back between time zones no problem. But my last few trips I’ve not had the sa
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A tear or ten for Totilas (and for Edward)

With all the hoo-ha on the www about today’s ENORMOUS ANNOUNCEMENT I feel compelled to  say something, even though I am too sad to want to.  Cees Visser and Paul Schockemoehle, you may be making financial hay from this transaction, bu
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Now what?

Other than the all pervading move that is?  I have to give it to Selena, when she decides she wants something, she goes all out to get it.  First it was the Olympics…. check! Then it was a medal… check! Now it would se
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I’m Allteched out

Sitting here waiting for the closing ceremonies and wishing I had ear plugs to block out the act hired to play as people find their seats (who sound like this was their first time singing together), I’m looking forward to going home and hugging all