Online Exclusives

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Good Pony

The beginning of this week was pretty quiet as Anky was away in Kiev. I just worked on basics, stretching, transitions suppling, etc. Vitall also had his usual lunging day so he could get his bucks out.  When it was time to go back to work
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A bit of fluff

Hi all. I’m on the road for freestyle biz this week – this is just a quick check-in so that those of you who are used to Wednesdays at Straight-Up aren’t left with nothing but getting through last week’s ‘novel’ of
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Full House

These past few weeks it has been very crowded at Anky’s… Two ladies came from Italy and Estonia and another from Sweden. It’s been really interesting watching all the different lessons and it’s even better because Anky has to
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GDF – the lost blog

Here goes – I hope it was worth waiting for.  While the 2010 GDF was going on, I had the impression it was the most open, honest discussion we had ever seen at the GDF. Now that it’s two weeks later and I’ve had a few sleeps on
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Enough already!

I was planning to post a carefully prepared wrap up of the GDF and FEI GA tomorrow, and I will still do that. But before I do, I feel a need to respond to a wee rumour circulating among Rebecca’s (my travel pal to Holland) and my friends that t
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Go Zenyatta!

While I mull over my first FEI GA and find comparisons to draw between the FEI Presidential elections and the US mid-term elections (perhaps Obama should book a consultation with HRH on how to appear to be letting everyone down and losing popularity
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Booyah! HRH

News flash from Taipei – Princess Haya won a majority in the first round of voting. Just like that. Crazy to think how much effort those two European men put into their campaigns and it was all over in just a minute of voting with transponders
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The Royal is here, yippee!

The horses are in their stalls.  Phew!  We started shipping horses on Sunday and we finished today.  There were so many logistics, not least of which was the laying of the rubber mats which was a huge task.  My those mats weigh a
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The Muppet Elections

In fewer than 24 hours (Taipei time) there will either be a new FEI President in place, or a second term FEI President who will be watched by those who didn’t vote for her like a hawk watches a mouse hole. I must confess a creeping se
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The Ins and Outs of Learning Grand Prix

These past few weeks since I have been back have been a big eye opener for me. Vitall and I have had a bit of a break through, something has just clicked between us and we seem more like a team. Over the last little while, we have