Yvonne Losos de Muñiz chats with Tracey Mitchell on this episode of Hitting Your Stride about a lot of things dressage athletes agonize over.
Riders over 40 – including those 65+ – are the fastest-growing segment of the equestrian world, whether newbies or returning to the sport.
Therapist Kendra DeVos discusses techniques to overcome fear and self-doubt during the often stressful show season.
If you're stuck in a riding rut, or it just doesn't bring you the same satisfaction these days, there are ways to reclaim your mounted mojo.
In this excerpt from Chris Lombard's 'Land of The Horses', a young man leaves heartbreak in Maine to seek healing in the company of horses.
Do you cruise on autopilot, tend to be judgy, or aren't tuned in to your horse? It is not that uncommon - and here's how to fix it.
In this exclusive excerpt, coach Daniel Stewart looks at the anxiety cycle, how to overcome it, and how the brain learns a new skill.
Much of Cindy Ishoy's advice about building self-efficacy as you plan your riding goals can be applied to life in general.
In part 2 of 'Building a More Confident You' we look at how being nice to yourself can actually help develop resiliency as a rider.
Part 1 of a 2-part series deals with the perceived power a person holds to affect situations, which plays a significant role in performance.