The 2021 Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium, presented by Thoroughbred Charities of America at the Kentucky Horse Park, was an unprecedented event, with competition running for both 2020-eligible and 2021-eligible horses due to the postponement of the event last year because of the pandemic. Competition years competed separately across three days of preliminary competition, vying for a total of over $100,000 in prize money, with each competition year crowning its own Thoroughbred Makeover Champion.
Thunderous Affair, trained by Lindsey Partridge, was selected by the panel of judges as the 2020 Thoroughbred Makeover Champion. The four-year-old 16.2 h. gray/roan mare (barn name Elysia) was bred in Kentucky by Jim Williams. She never made a start at the track, but did train to race. By Liaison out of the Thunder Gulch mare Thunder Fan, Thunderous Affair was placed for rehoming through the Thoroughbred aftercare organization CANTER Michigan.
Partridge, a professional trainer based at her Harmony Horsemanship in Pontypool, Ontario, is no stranger to the Thoroughbred Makeover — she won the overall title back in 2015 with Soar — but this particular journey has not been without its challenges.
“She didn’t trust me in the beginning,” recalled an emotional Partridge, with a nod to Elysia’s inner ‘dragon’. “I really had to slow down and just go to events, and just not make it about competing. Just the fact that she was so calm and relaxed here and able to trust me to do everything — gosh, I’m going to start crying!”
Finale day started off a bit rough for the pair when Lindsey was almost T-boned by a driver that ran a red light, the big beach ball she uses during her freestyle popped (yay duct tape!), and during their morning warmup walk another horse reared up and got Elysia excited. “As I jumped off/fell she took off for a massive gallop around the cross-country field, proving the dragon is still in there. The unplanned free run around the Horse Park exhausted the dragon, not realizing she had two disciplines to compete in that day. During our freestyle we had planned a gallop-to-halt transition but had to settle for a canter-lope that would rival a western pleasure horse,” she remarked on Facebook.
“By the time Competitive Trail started, the dragon was regretting her morning excursion and was reluctant to canter in the trail class … luckily that was only one obstacle and the sleepy dragon was able to drag her toes in a slow trot for the rest of the obstacles.”
The sleepy dragon. ( photo)
Elysia placed first in both Freestyle, in which the pair played with Partridge’s signature big blue tarp and other props, and Competitive Trail, in which Thunderous Affair’s easygoing demeanor impressed judges and spectators alike. “The dragon fell asleep during the awards and seemed unimpressed to be awarded a giant cheque and crystal trophy for being America’s Most Wanted Thoroughbred 2020 not realizing this big cheque would mean many more cookies for her.”
Partridge, who had a baby just a couple of months ago, reflected on her past Makeover performances and her road to success. “It’s all about putting that relationship first. I’ve done ranch and field hunter and trail and freestyle, but it all comes back to that partnership first.”
(Watch Lindsey’s Freestyle Prelim here and Competitive Trail class U.)
Other Canadian top finishes included Jody Busch of Saskatchewan with Papa Al (Papa Clem x Morell’s Love, by Cutlass Reality) who won the 2021 Freestyle division, and Allison McHattie, an Ontario-based junior rider who placed second with Indica (Milwaukee Brew x Saintcerely, by Saint Ballado). In the 2020 Show Jumpers, Samantha Fawcett and Canton Comet (Shanghai Bobby x Katie’s Ten, by Rock Hard Ten) won the division.
Canadians competing at the 2020/2021 Makeover included:
Lindsey Partridge, Ontario, Thunderous Affair – 2020 Overall Champion, Freestyle (1st) & Competitive Trail (1st)
Samantha Fawcett, Ontario, Canton Comet – Show Hunters & Show Jumpers (1st)
Samantha Fawcett, Ontario, Smooth Don B – Show Jumpers & Dressage
Tammy Botsford, Alberta, Luvuryan – Barrel Racing (6th) & Ranch Work (3rd)
Tammy Botsford, Alberta, John’s Quest – Barrel Racing (9th) & Competitive Trail
Hollow Hills Equestrian, Ontario, Bronze Age – Show Jumpers & Competitive Trail
Chelsea Clouter, Ontario, Candycreet – Eventing
Emily Fisher, Ontario, Cummings Road – Dressage & Eventing
Anne Hagey, Saskatchewan, I’lltellyoulater – Freestyle (6th) & Competitive Trail (5th)
Allison McHattie, Ontario, Indica – Freestyle (2nd) & Competitive Trail (10th)
Sophie Desforges, Quebec, King Kingo – Show Hunters
Jody Busch, Saskatchewan, Papa Al – Freestyle (1st) & Ranch Work (8th)
Natalie Starr, Ontario, Phil in the Blank – Competitive Trail & Ranch Work
Katherine Shkut, Ontario, Prison Padre – Eventing & Dressage
Allison Wood, Ontario, Steady Earner – Eventing & Dressage
(top-10 results shown)
See all results here.
~ with files from Thoroughbred Makeover