Vitall and I enjoying a little afternoon sun.

Winter is around the corner…although it already feels like it’s here. Thankfully, it is cold sunny days, instead of dark rainy ones!! Nowadays, everyone is complaining in the mornings, including myself. All you hear in the stables is all of us going “How are you?”… “Fine”…. COLD!!!!! That’s how we all start our days lately. It gives us all a giggle as we huddle under the heat lamps while our horses are drying after training.

Lindsay, Kendal (Ankys Opare) and I.

I had a great visit with Lindsay. I showed her around AEC (Anky Education Center). Lindsay met all the stars of the barn, the most important one being Bonnie (aka Bonfire) and his ponies. Other than showing her around AEC, we checked out Eindhoven for the city of lights – the entire city was glowing.

Vitall has been going well. I’m really happy with our progress. We are still working on tightening everything up that in the Pi and Pa. It’s not just executing the movements, but being able to make adjustments and fix things within. Some days are harder than others, but it’s coming along smoothly. I am also working on the zig zag … never thought counting in between would be so hard, I tell ya… Making the zig zag look easy is a real art. I have a new appreciation for every rider that makes it look effortless.

Vitall had a haircut the other day. He is no longer a teddy bear, but a nice sleek looking boy!! He was much better about being clipped this year. It was only his second time and he was quite the entire time except for his front legs he gets a bit ticklish.

Other than riding, I have been busy training in the gym with my personal trainer. I feel a huge improvement in my strength and coordination and I am able to push myself harder and harder, and I am feeling great. Certainly beats the winter blues. Thirty-eight days ‘til Christmas!! This year is flying by!!!! Guess that means I have to start my x-mas shopping soon!!

Barn dogs enjoying the sun as well.