Selena and Rummy

Anne Marie on Rummy

We won’t even talk about North of the border, suffice it to say that all the icky stuff from yesterday is now frozen solid and our horses were ‘indoors only’ again. We are getting to the stage of trying to be inventive of new games to play in the sandbox. I think some long lining is in order, something ‘different’ for the horses.

It has been a wonderful day in Florida. Marta Agrodnia and Kelly Damp were there to ride their respective mounts, which is always a fun day.

Anne Marie and Benny

Selena on Benny

Selena had to gallop both King Brian and Foxwood High. That makes it a very busy day. It’s not the actual galloping that takes the time (although that with the warm up and warm down is certainly a factor) it’s the icing and after care. They both get iced 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for three icings minimum. That is over three hours right there. Anne Marie goes from one horse to the other and back again if she can, but sometimes that is not possible and vast amounts of time are taking up with these procedures.

Feb-26-3Benny is back in work and Anne Marie and Selena took photos of each other taking photos… Anne Marie is riding Rummy and Selena is riding Benny. Benny went hacking with a group and had no problems of any kind. However, when Selena tried to trot around with other horses working on their own trajectories it was a bit much. Like Rummy a couple of weeks ago, he didn’t know which way to look or which horse to watch or better still, which horse to follow.

The other photo is of Benny before he was worked! He is a great one for naps!