Today we actually got to ride the ponies. Hurray!

So we started the day with an 8:00 a.m. jog. Was great to see Christiana and baby Luca:) Then we all had a private lesson (light flatwork) and a hack. Woody was a little bit distracted, but he did nail all his halts AND both changes first try! I was very pleased with that 😉

Team lunch at Silks on the Downs (pub at end of the road) was delicious. French onion soup was the favorite. I didn’t realize that Sunday lunch in UK is usually roast beef dinner. Clayton had that. I had ginger carrot soup. After last night’s adventures it’s all I could handle 😉 Plus ginger is good for the tummy.

We all set up the dressage ring in the afternoon. Good team bonding with tunes and sunshine.

Dinner was excellent! Went to a place called Palm it was Indian food. Some of the crew had not tried curry before so I enjoyed helping them decide what they wanted. Anyone who knows the O’Hanlon family knows we love Indian.