Yay team Canada! I am so proud of everyone for achieving their personal best at the 4* level in dressage this week.

I went to the ring familiarization from 7:45-8:25 a.m. We were allowed to work in the last warm up ring and walk only around the main ring. Woody felt much more alive which made me happy. He was still very good walking around the ring.

I did a few more minutes up near the barn and showed the video to Clayton. He said it all looked better so I was pleased.

I watched Hawley’s test and was inspired. I also felt the pressure for Woody and I to do well. I REALLY wanted to break into the 40s. Well we did it!!

I felt a little more calm in the ring this 4*. Clayton said all I want from you is to feel what’s happening underneath you and be brave, really go for it. After watching the video I realized my right half pass in trot was wobbly, my turn on the haunches was too big and I didn’t go for it enough in my extended canter (which is too bad because I got a 9 for it at Rolex). On the moves we were lacking in (such as changes and medium trot) we improved our scores. 🙂 We didn’t do our best extended trot. It’s still a work in progress but everything is coming together nicely and he is still green at this level and young enough to improve vastly!

When we did our practice test at Maizey, Woody went back to his old habit of swapping leads behind for one step when going from extended canter to collected. So I think that’s why I was a bit shy on that move yesterday. 🙁 Darn. Overall I was super pleased with his effort and mine. 🙂

Went out for dinner again (thank goodness) with the Rumbles, Hawley, Gamal, Patti and mum. Was a great night and good food.

Today is cross country day let’s hope our team rides this high all the way to the finish.
Go Canada!