After yesterday’s excitements, today seemed a bit of a let down. We were practicing cross country indoors here in Canada. We were working on pace into a skinny, a spread and a double bounce. It’s difficult to get enough cross country practice, and in the winter it’s close to impossible. However, we are able to refine and school our lines and turns. By the end of the winter, I hope everyone’s straightness, adjustability and accuracy will be improved and from that all the cross country will be safer and better.
Normally on the weekend I am glued to Event Entries, Live Results. It was strange to have had all the action finished on Thursday and Friday.
Rummy is hacking as much as possible. We want him to be comfortable trotting and cantering on a long rein before we ask any more of him. He has been out hacking with Benny a few times. However, today he went hacking with a whole bunch of ‘big boys.’ He was the only baby in the gang and he managed really well. In the beginning, he felt pressured to be out in front (racehorse stuff), but by the end of the day he was happy to hack at the back or the front and he was enjoying the company. We are very impressed by what a quick learner Rummy is. He is very smart indeed.
The photos and video are of Rummy on his Big Boy hack.