This is our ‘block’ at Chesterland South

This is our ‘block’ at Chesterland South.

There is lots going on both sides of the border. The mild weather in Canada is giving us a lot more freedom in our riding and training program than is usually available to us at this time of the year. Normally we can only walk for very short periods of time to ensure that the horse doesn’t lose too much body heat. This winter the arena is nothing short of cosy and we can work up a veritable steam. We can start by giving the horses enough time in walk to loosen things up. I was very struck by William Fox-Pitt saying that all his horses walk for 30 minutes before he asks them for anything. Not as easy to do when it’s -30.

We are good at using all our available space. It’s like being at a four month long show.

We are good at using all our available space. It’s like being at a four month long show.

In Florida it has been cool, but then everything is relative. The horses are blossoming in the sun and it is only a week until Woody does his first big show at the Wellington invitational. Equine Canada has released The Elite Rider List for Eventing and we are thrilled to see Selena’s name on the list. I was interested to see that RedHills event in Tallahassee is no longer on the ‘riding list’ for this winter. It has always been a bit of a favourite of ours, not least because of the hospitality tent and the Krispy Kremes. The shows start coming fast and furious after this weekend, it’s nose to the grindstone for the Florida team.

Woody using camouflage. He now believes he is invisible to the human eye.

Woody using camouflage. He now believes he is invisible to the human eye.

We heard back yesterday from Dresden and Q who both arrived at their new homes recently. The wonderful news is that all is going well and their respective new mothers are thrilled with them both. It’s SUCH a relief when you hear that everything is going as planned and projected.

Benny and Rummy get their February photos taken in two days. I can’t wait to show you the difference!