Solo seems to be growing up, he is easier in all sorts of ways. Easier and calmer at feed times, less anxious when his buddy Waldo is working and quieter to turnout and bring in. He is also getting better to pony, he was always a bit of a pain to pony as he just couldn’t keep himself to himself, but always has to be badgering the other horse. His dressage is still pretty rough. It’s nice enough until he decides to throw his head around, at which time we refuse to argue with our hands but eventually get rid of it with the use of very energetic legs against his sides. He says its the flies, but I have noticed that when he is in the field or jumping he doesn’t find that he has to behave so badly with the flies, only when it’s dressage day! He hates that whole using your back scenario, basically I think he is just lazy at heart 🙂

However, put a jump up and he is all business. The first photo over the logs is him coming out the water and over the log, the second more reluctant picture is him jumping the same log back toward the water, he was not at all sure that he wanted to do that. The two water pictures are his first water school under saddle (he had been ponied through a few times). He was a bit squirmy at first and then he settled down and walked right on.

Selena left for Stuart Horse Trials in New York today. This means that I will be riding Solo for the next few days. I am looking forward to it.