Another day another snowstorm! Come on April, you can do better than this. When we had 13 degree a couple of weeks ago. I envisaged April sunshine, small flowers and thinking about cutting grass, not this. I have family arriving from Europe today; they are going to be horrified.

Our veteran resident, The Main Man (Cameron) has been giving me trouble again. He started drinking a bit more water and we had relaxed a little from the threat of impaction, but yesterday morning I got a text from my very knowledgable barn staff that Cammie had been seen partially collapsing in the stall. I know better than to second guess my staff so I phoned the vet first and then went over to watch. We put him in the indoor arena with his friend, and while I was watching, he appeared to be falling asleep and then instead of staying up on his pins, he would sort of collapse, as though his locking out system just wasn’t working. This would wake him up again, a little like someone nodding off in a chair.

The vet came and by the time he got there Cammie was eating happily and looking very bright and perky. His heart was good when the vet listened and the horse seemed very relaxed and comfortable, neither in pain nor anxious in any way. I checked him at 10:00 p.m. and then again at 2:00 a.m. and both times he was eating happily. In fact, at 2:00 a.m. he said he would like a little more hay since room service was right there. I would like to think that he might have one last summer with us. This photo is taken at the end of August and he is still in great shape now, albeit a little more wooly.

Today Selena and Anne Marie drove to The Fork. They were later than they had hoped getting away and left around 5: 20 a.m. and arrived at 2:30 p.m. Solo travelled with Jess Phoenix. He is SUCH a silly horse sometimes. Jess carefully unloaded him herself, turned him around so he could see where he was and led him out. He is not used to a step down and somehow stepped out into air (instead of the ramp he expected) without looking and slid sideways and cut his stifle on the left. He was meant to be doing the test ride tomorrow for the two star! I swear someone told him he had to do a dressage test. I have not heard from Selena to know what plan B is, but I am pretty sure it means that Riley is going to do the two star test ride. He is a good dressage horse, but he has not done a test higher than Prelim before.

This photo is from Woody’s last jump school with Clayton before they left. He really does try.