After I posted my ‘meet the candidates’ blog yesterday, it was brought to my attention that the photo of Pierre Genecand (which I suggested would have been superior if it had a horse in it) had been cropped to fit the format of the post about the FEI Presidential Candidates. I was also informed that the original photo does indeed contain a horse, which entirely changes the impression of the bars in the background.

I see no harm in taking a poke at people, especially at politicians who would be well advised to grow the thickest skin of their lives when campaigning to run an international sport organization. But I truly despise FOX News-style journalism – the kind that cherry picks bits of quotes and creates, in some cases, a 180 degree misrepresentation of what the person being quoted had meant to convey. My reference to the cropped photo in yesterday’s post would fall into that category of sin, though I would like to point out that when I wrote the post I had not seen the uncropped photo and was unaware of Mr. Genecand’s four legged photo companion.

In the interests of setting the visual record straight, below please find the uncropped photo of Mr. Genecand.


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