What exactly is this debilitating and aggressive neurological strain of EHV-1, and how is it different from other forms of the virus?
While there have been no positive cases at WEC Ocala, out of an abundance of caution no new ship-in horses will be allowed on the property.
While we all like the milder weather at the end of a long winter, with it comes that bane of existence for horse owners ‒ mud!
German show jumper Kevin Lemke is in hot water after PETA got hold of a video of him striking his mount Good Luck at DIHP.
Young Quebec entrepreneur Marc-Antoine Samson has taken over the management reins and hopes to acquire the property by the fall of 2022.
Two new Equine Herpesvirus – Neurologic (EHV-1) have been reported in Ontario by OMAFRA bringing the provincial case count to four.
The Luskville, QC, farm has already lost two horses, with 18 others infected; a GoFundMe campaign has been set up to help with expenses.
Thanks to the strength of applications, in addition to the $6,000 grant winner an additional four deserving riders will receive $1,000.
The beloved force of nature was a fierce supporter of dressage and was responsible for developing the sport in Canada.
As we settle into the wintry ides of February and start counting the days until spring, it's nice to see somebody enjoying the snow!