One of the biggest challenges riders face in the saddle is keeping their lower leg on the horse. Here are 4 exercises that will help.
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If you find yourself a bit wobbly in the saddle or achy after rides, here are some exercises to strengthen the core, legs and upper body.
Sometimes we focus on training our horses and let our own fitness and strength lapse. Here are some 'more bang for your buck' exercises you can do at home.
Here’s a list of simple, economical home equipment and rider-focussed exercises to give you some bang for your out-of-the-saddle buck.
Stay fit and flexible with these winter workouts for horseback riders, so that you’re ready to get back in action in the show ring next season.
A common barrier to instituting an exercise regimen is lack of time. Find out how to achieve maximum results in a minimum amount of time.
Horses, like riders, come in all shapes and sizes. These exercises focus on strengthening the smaller riders who are matched with big mounts.
As a rider, training tends to be very sport-specific – hours in the saddle, sitting trot without stirrups. Learn about more exercises in this article.
For quiet but effective legs while riding, try these JOGA exercises – yoga tailored specifically to athletes to improve agility, strength, and mobility.
Trauma to any part of your body affects how your muscles function to support you against gravity and can often result in back pain.