Online Exclusives

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Who’s afraid of the FEI?

Sing it! Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf FEI, the FEI the FEI, Who’s afraid of the FEI, the FEI, yes I! It’s a bit ridiculous when you think about it. Journalists should not be afraid of the international organizations that admini
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The FEI responds!

I am absolutely over-the-moon excited to report that this brand new blog has already attracted the attention of the FEI. Yes, it’s because I wrote something that they feel compelled to correct, but still. I don’t mind standing corrected,
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Might Makes Right

You could say it’s a very old fashioned concept, first espoused in the form of ‘woe to the conquered’ in the works of Homer in the eighth century B.C.; but the belief that whoever is in power is the one who dictates the law is appar
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June 14, 2014

Today Jordan McDonald died. Today Jordan McDonald died after a rotational fall on cross country leaving behind, amongst others, a wife, Shandiss, who had been his sweetheart since the time they were teens. I met Jordan over 10 years ago in Florida, w
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Farewell Colombo

This past weekend was sad and black for the eventing world. We are all numb with the loss of Jordan McDonald and Benjamin Winter. Our thoughts and hearts are with their families and friends. We had our own personal pain to deal with on Saturday when
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A Day for Sad Reflection

I wish to express my deepest condolences to the family and many friends of Jordan McDonald. If the horse community in Canada is a small one, where there is never more than a degree or two of separation among us, the eventing community is like a nucle
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In With a Bang

What a first day of work for Eva Havaris! Her shadow had barely darkened the doorstep before she faced her first order of business: to provide a quote for what is one of the biggest announcements in Canadian equestrian sport history.  Before her cha
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If you are from the native English-speaking world, you don’t need to be told about D-Day, particularly not this week.  And if you happen to have tickets for the 2014 World Equestrian Games in Normandy this August, you will have ample opportuni
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Wow. Would you look at that. I wouldn’t have thought it possible to imagine such an incredibly wide range of personalities and backgrounds for a single job  (the CEO of EC), but there it is. The EC Board found someone who has, at least on pape
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Holy Crap Badminton

I think I’m glad I was busy the weekend of Badminton this year, and missed the live carnage, I mean coverage. But one doesn’t need to have witnessed it to know that something was amiss with Giuseppe Della Chiesa’s course. Here is a