Online Exclusives

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Grey Skies and Empty Seats

Greetings from day one of the team GP in Normandy, where the sky is crying on the ring but thankfully not in the stands, which are covered.  Not that there are too many heads that need to be kept dry on the first half of the first day of team compet
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Le Blast Off

Well, here we are after four years of hype and circumstance, finally watching the French put their best hosting foot forward at the 2014 WEG, aka the world’s biggest horse show. We are an hour into the opening ceremonies and all I can say is, I
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Selena Reports: Clayton’s Locks Challenge

Going to keep this as short as possible because it’s very late and I have an early start. Today was EXHAUSTING! I had a nice hack on Woody and worked a little on some of the tips Annabelle had given me the day before. Then I set fences for Jess
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Selena Reports: Feeling Lucky

Today was excellent! This am I went for a hack on those beautiful hills. There are 250 acres at Maizey Manor in total. Then I did some raised trot poles on the edge of the ring in a corner (so quite a steep bend) Woody didn’t touch one! I watc
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Selena Reports: Window Shopping and Delicious Jam

It was another fun filled day, with an 8:00 a.m. jog to start us off. Breakfast was excellent because I picked up some crumpets and rhubarb jam, my favourite. I took Woody for a nice hack to stretch him out before some “massage dressage.”
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Selena Reports: A Great Day to Gallop

Busy day today. Did our 8:00 a.m. jog then a quick team meeting to arrange the day. I did flatwork with Clayton then took Woody out to gallop. There’s a fantastic three-minute uphill gallop at Maizey Manor. We did three trips up it with Clayton
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Selena Reports: Finally, We Got to Ride

Today we actually got to ride the ponies. Hurray! So we started the day with an 8:00 a.m. jog. Was great to see Christiana and baby Luca:) Then we all had a private lesson (light flatwork) and a hack. Woody was a little bit distracted, but he did na
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Selena Reports: Yummy Food and Fun at the Pub

Saturday was a fun day. The horses got some turnout and rest. We had yummy breakfast at Polly’s team room in Marlborough. Everyone wanted a proper English breaky. Mine was vegetarian (with vegetarian sausages) which was a first for me. They wer
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Selena Reports: Exhausted But Together Again

Friday was a challenge due to being exhausted! Arrived early morning at Heathrow. Waited for my bag for ages. Was worrying because I remember I checked in seven hours prior to flight. It did finally arrive. Phew! I went out to the Costa coffee shop a
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She’s an enigma

Well, really more of a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside of an enigma stuffed inside Pandora’s box placed in a safety deposit box and the key thrown overboard from a boat floating above the Mariana Trench.  Honestly, I’ve been surprised