Sorry it took so long to let you know that show jumping didn’t go as planned. 😉 However ,Woody and I did survive the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games! I had 16 faults for knocking 4 jumps down. Don’t get me wrong, I was in good
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First off I would like to say how sorry I was to hear of death of Harry’s horse. My heart goes out to team GBR. 🙁 Perspective. Well it was a long and tense day for me. I started off by watching the live feed in the tent. I watched Peter go a
Yay team Canada! I am so proud of everyone for achieving their personal best at the 4* level in dressage this week. I went to the ring familiarization from 7:45-8:25 a.m. We were allowed to work in the last warm up ring and walk only around the main
Today Peter went dressage for our team first. He had a great test. Terrible rain! Buck Davidson went first of the event and did an excellent test. I was glad to catch up with his dad Bruce. Also my main coach from when I was seven years old. I rode W
I’ve already gone on enough about the appalling lack of traffic planning at the Haras du Pin on Saturday, so now I will turn my attention to the actual sport, which was not Eventing’s finest hour. Because of the footing (which one FEI med
If you are feeling sad to have missed coming to France for the WEG Eventing, don’t. You probably would have missed the cross country anyway and resorted to watching it on TV like my friends who sat in stationary traffic for an hour five kilomet
I’m going to do this in chronological order, so that if you watched (or are watching archived FEI TV footage) my comments follow the same order. I did miss Parzival. I had to get a friend to a train and the timing was so tight that even missing the
Holy Moses that was a day not to miss. It’s too late in the evening now and I’m almost cross eyed from so many early mornings, but I’ll be back with my usual blow by blow of freestyles by the time most of you are pouring your first
I’ve had a feeling for months that this was going to be the year that Off To Paris would come into her own and carry Lauren Barwick back onto the podium. I’m delighted to report that I was right. Lauren followed yesterday’s bronze m
Wednesday was really fun and busy. Great to finally start the games! We did our usual team jog @ 8:00 a.m., no rain. 🙂 Then I lunged Woody, nice for him to stretch without my weight or pressure. I learned that a shambon is legal. Who knew?I lung