Online Exclusives

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A Small Step on the Road of Rule Enforcement

I was unexpectedly in the news myself this week when the FEI Tribunal upheld the protest I lodged with fellow journalist Lucy Higginson over the Bahrain endurance “video nasty” that caused such public anger back in February. Horse-Canada
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Worst Equestrian Games

Just a quick note to let you know I’m not done with WEG, but it will be a couple of days before I put my wrap up together and post it here. I’m working on a ‘highs and lows’ of Normandy 2014 – you can imagine which categ
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Glad to be Here, But Also Wishing I Was There…

Burghley 2014 will long be remembered as an “I was there” tick-box. Even before Andrew Nicholson and Avebury had sealed their historic third consecutive win, spectators were revelling in a collective adrenalin rush. Avebury raced to the top of th
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Post WEG Musings

I haven’t written for a bit as: 1) I have to work extra hard to pay off my AT&T bill this month as I went three gigs over our family shared limit from my husband watching WEG constantly from 4:00 a.m. until work and then further watching Burghl
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All Over But the Flying

(sorry for the absence of pictorial accompaniment today, but the internet here is too slow to upload any photos) As the last of the Canadian team members – the jumpers and the vaulters – are winging their way homeward, it seems like an appropriat
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C’est Fantastique!

I arrived today looking forward to watching our very last Canadian WEG team member at these 2014 World Equestrian Games compete in the individual jumping final. I was blissfully but briefly unaware that Yann had pulled out of today.  He wasn’t
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I Am Not a Cheerleader

Sorry folks, but if you are one of the people who posted comments yesterday who think I should put on rose tinted glasses, you aren’t going to get any joy from me today.  I am not here to tell you something is good when it isn’t –
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From Bad to Worse

Yes, it really did get worse. And I know it’s not just me. The people around me in the media tribune are also wavering between boredom and disgust. A new low was achieved this afternoon when Chilean rider Tomas  Couve Correa came off at fence
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Marathon at d’Ornano

The word ‘marathon’, used in relation to a WEG, usually refers to the marathon of the Four in hand Driving, or the incredible (and inhumane IMO) distance of the Endurance race. But today the marathon is at the show jumping, and the athlet
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French Farce

“We are truly sorry Ceri Kennedy. And everyone. We told everyone to come as early as possible, and we tried our best to make things smooth… Well it is obvious if you look at this Facebook page so [sic] it was not the case for many people. We