Online Exclusives

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Leaving Las Vegas

Just a quick post – the internet is not holding up to the enormous media traffic of tweeters, Facebook posters and bloggers like me, so I’ll just say I’m so glad I was able to get to these last two days of competition and witness th
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It’s Happening Vegas-style

 There are jumps in there somewhere Yesterday I had a brief chat with a German journalist who betrayed just a hint of derision at the style of delivery here in Vegas. ‘This is Vegas’, I said to him. ‘Yes, it IS Vegas,’ he rep
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World’s Best Pony Strikes Again!

I’ve just discovered the cure for a belly ache. Watch Valegro. Some of you know me as a somewhat cynical, even jaded observer of equestrian sport. It continues to surprise even me that every time I see Valegro perform all the hair on my arms
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WC Freestyles – half time reflections

Not having watched the GP, I’m seeing everyone for the first time today. And I have to say it’s some very impressive quality out there. All kinds of new talent too. Agnete from Denmark lit the place up early on with her delightful horse
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An Ill Wind in Vegas

So I know there are at least a few of you out there who have been wondering what’s up with me and the lack of posts these past two days. I am sorry for the silence. Believe me, it wasn’t by choice. On Monday we headed off to Valley of Fir
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What happens in Vegas…

…is going on this blog! That’s right folks, I’m Sin City-bound for the World Cup Finals this week. For those of you who can’t be here, I’ll do my best to bring you all the observations and opinionations you won’t 
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Off Grid Easter

I’m heading off for a little Easter break to do some overdue deep breathing of fresh air where the only sound is that of the noisy, silly flickers who are desperate for love.  The post I had planned to write this week got a hole blown in it
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Bye Laws

Well that’s that. In a wholly predictable, anyone-could-have-called-it manner, EC’s bylaws have fallen flat on their face. Again.  It couldn’t be said they were voted down by a landslide. You can’t call a few pebbles a landsl
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Saddle Fit and a Story of Joy

Hello from sunny Florida, where I am presently enroute with my last session of saddle fitting clinics for the winter. The last three days have been absolutely amazing. I have enough pictures and stories to fill this blog for weeks! I truly love the b
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Not So Untouchable?

There is a glimmer of hope that at least the UAE’s equestrian federation, the EEF, is not quite as untouchable as it thought.