Online Exclusives

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Easy Peasy

Did I say the cross country looked easy? I take it back. I was wrong. It wasn’t easy. It was ridiculously easy. All four US and all four Brazilian horses went clear and inside the optimum time. Three out of four of our Canadians, ditto. The on
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A Soggy Walk

I have just dried out following my tour of the Pan Am cross country course at Will O’ Wind Farm. I actually didn’t mind the rain that much. I had the course almost entirely to myself. Which turned out to be fortuitous for my bladder, whe
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Saying Good-Bye to the Horse of a Lifetime

I put down my dream horse last week. As I write this I have a constant voice in the back of my head muttering, “What kind of narcissist are you that you think people want to read about your story; your horse?” And that’s true. I kno
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Post-mortem: Pan Am Dressage

I do think the term ‘post-mortem’ is especially appropriate, given all the things that have fallen short at the Pan Am Games equestrian so far. Before I make a few comments on the judging (because I know you dressage score fetishists have
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Schleese Celebrates 30 Years of Success

This is perfect timing – this blog will be appearing the day we begin our 30th year in business. I still have the very first dollar I made (back before there were loonie coins!) hanging in my reception area, and can look back with pride over what w
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Feeling Connected

It’s summer heat with high humidity in Wellington. Thank goodness for having a covered arena to not only escape the direct sun, but also the very heavy rain squalls and lightning. Since bringing Vitall back to full focus with a renewed work ethic,
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Hacker Alert!

I’ll be posting my dressage recap tomorrow, because I have to do some driving right now and need to get on the road. But if you want to see the work of my anonymous hacker, you would be well advised to go look at it immediately. I’ve be
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To Be PC or to Not Be PC?

Before the freestyles get started in the next 40 minutes, I want to clear the air about something that has clearly got under some thin skin, if the comments on my Whine Time post are any indication. A few people have taken exception to my use of a ce
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So close…

What a day! I wouldn’t  ever have predicted that our team would come so close to winning the gold medal. I think I can honestly say that there was more positive energy in the Canadian dressage community today – both here in Caledon and
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Chit Chat re: TV coverage

There is an enormous hue and cry about the fact that CBC couldn’t be bothered to send even one itty bitty camera to Caledon. And of course we all know that half the people that could be enjoying today live and in person are not here because TO2