Online Exclusives

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A Bit of a Roller Coaster

First event of the year has been a bit of a roller coaster to say the least. Woody did a much better test than Wellington and in the snaffle. Those movements that are worth double are REALLY HARD and costly! I had a great show jumping round and then
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Everyone Safe in Florida

Benny, Rummy and Solo have all arrived safely in Florida and are decompressing after their journey. They did the straight through run and they were in the trailer for 24 hours. I did all my worrying for nothing, they all drank well, took their Regene
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The Boys Are Gone

Selena left at 7:15 a.m. for the border. The vet is not there until 8:00 a.m. and Selena had made an appointment to take the horses through at 8:00 a.m. Everything ran according to schedule and the trip across the border was smooth sailing. The last
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UnSmooth Criminals

(Today’s post is a ‘take two’ of a blog that I thought I had posted on Friday, but realized today had never actually gone up on the blog, due to vagaries of the cyber universe) Here’s a prediction for you: I don’t anticipate being nominate
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I feel like the days are rushing by this winter, out of control. Selena arrived this morning and immediately started teaching. Eventers really are incredibly fit and hardworking, they have to be. She slept in New York somewhere on the way up and got
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Panel Gullet Width

Continuing on with the detailed discussion on each of the nine points of saddle fit, this week we will examine, specifically, that part of the saddle that is closest to your horse – the panel. I have had many clients with saddles that, at first gla
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Winter Solace

Selena left with the trailer at 5:00 a.m. this morning, which means she should get here sometime between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to seeing her and looking forward to her seeing the horses. Word from Anne Marie in Oc
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Eventing Showcase

Well The Eventing Showcase didn’t turn out just the way we were hoping. Woody was a bit lacklustre in the stadium and had two fences down. However, he redeemed himself with a really wonderful cross country ride. I know Selena was disappointed in hi
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Recognizing Improvement

Well today’s weather proved to play a part in a few horses tests including Woody’s. Yesterday it was almost too hot to function and today it was cold and windy. I rode Woody early in the morning (he is better with two rides) and he was sp