Online Exclusives

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Checking in From Horse Paradise

Can’t believe I have been in Wellington for three years. Feels like yesterday I left Europe. Palm Beach Equine has been my home for the last two years with the horses. It is walking distance to Global Dressage Show grounds – we just cross the
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Sammy’s a Star

Sammy was a star. He rather clambered over one fence because there was ‘mud’ on the other side and he really wasn’t sure about ‘mud.’ However Selena had been expecting it. If you remember, he had looked at the mud when she was schooling him
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Unexpected Guests

Do you find small furry animals get dropped off around your barn? At our last barn we once found a kitten out in the middle of the fields miles from anyone or any buildings. It most certainly didn’t seem feral as it was very keen to come home with
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Accidental April Fools

April Fools Day and we got caught as ‘fools’ unintentionally. Today Derg Boru did his dressage and stadium in the Intermediate division at Rocking Horse. His owner Megan Woods was unable to ride him as planned and Selena was given the ride in her
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Information flow from EC to the people formerly known as members is less like water from a tap and more like pushing on a zit until it yields the white stuff. There is a great deal of information on the EC site, but finding it is an exercise in patie
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Drawing to a Close

Today I have to get papers from vet’s office to ship everyone home. The winter fun is drawing to a close. This weekend is the last Florida horse show and then next week we leave for The Fork and we don’t turn South again. I need to get ha
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Jumping Beans

This morning I started off right at 8:30 a.m. with Sammy Xc at Longwood. He was wonderful, the only thing he didn’t like was a muddy spot. He is a brave boy, but mud is a concern when you have lived your life as a dressage horse…lol. Afte
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The Main Man

Woody is back to work today. No rest for the wicked. Only hacking today then tomorrow he has training camp with Clayton for dressage at 11:30. Before that Selena is going to meet Sammy at Longwood to cross country school before he does his second eve
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All Go

It was all go both sides of the border. Here at Balsam Hall, Tori Morgan gave a ground handling clinic. It was very interesting and brought up several points I had not thought about for a long time. As eventers we all need to be able to jog our horse