Online Exclusives

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Not Without Incident

Everybody show jumped really well, but the day was not without incident. Is any eventer’s day ever without incident? First off was Kelly Damp’s ‘Zephyr’ who is fighting fit for cross country and rampaged his way around the show jumping. It’
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Biting Cold

Today we had snow again. SNOW, what is with that? My family who are visiting from England are freezing, and I feel the need to continuously make apologies for the weather. Our horse that is preping for Plantation next week is having to do his gallops
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Proud of Derg Boru

Today was dressage day for all three boys. Derg Boru went first in the two star and Selena phoned me right after the test to give me the low down. She said he was lazy and he had broken in the counter canter, but that the test was better than the las
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Come On April!

Another day another snowstorm! Come on April, you can do better than this. When we had 13 degree a couple of weeks ago. I envisaged April sunshine, small flowers and thinking about cutting grass, not this. I have family arriving from Europe today; th
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The Gift of a Lesson with Bruce

The last little bit of Florida has just been a blur of packing trying to get everything and everyone organized to go to the fork, Pennsylvania and home to Canada! If we were just going straight home it would be easy just stuff it all in, but trying t
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Never Easy

Things have a way of going wrong at the most inconvenient times. Today Selena had an appointment (made almost a week ago) to go in and get her shipping papers back. When she took them the first time it turned out the vets had put today’s date on th
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Three’s a Charm

It can be rather endearing when someone who is not a native English speaker mixes their metaphors. At the end of an intense, five-hour debate about the future Olympic formats, FEI president Ingmar De Vos told me that “we can’t keeping going round
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Saddle Fit and Kissing Spine

This is pretty much a regurgitation of an insert to an article which appeared in Horse Sport early in 2015 concerning the very troubling occurrence of kissing spine in horses. I was prompted to repost this as I have recently come across an inordinate
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Withdrawing From The World?

The World Cup Finals in dressage and jumping have just finished. The show jumping was a spectacular competition, won by the defending title who is also the current Olympic Champion, with two other former World Cup champions in third and fourth, so no
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Event Me the Money

Eventing has been the poor relation of the Olympic disciplines pretty much since horse sport was included in the Games, but suddenly two schemes have been announced in the UK, and one in the USA that might change all that. All of them have large priz