Online Exclusives


NARG is Revving Up for a Comeback

Once among the most active equestrian organizations, headed by Mark Leone, The North American Riders Group has been quiet lately. What’s next for them?

$50,000 FEI CSI2* Grand Prix of Caledon

David Ballard takes us on a course walk of the $50,000 FEI CSI2* Grand Prix of Caledon, designed by Brazil’s Guilherme Jorge, at the Caldeon Equestrian Park

$15,000 Horseflight Grand Prix

Go along on the course walk for the $15,000 Horseflight Grand Prix, at the Caledon Horse Park, with course design expert David Ballard.

Horse Dreams and a Week to Remember

There’s a myth out there that owning a horse is about throwing money at riders so that they can chase some kind of dream, if only they knew.

The Testing Begins!

Brandon Hall tackles the next step on his way to becoming a certified equestrian coach – taking the Rider Level 8 test – and survives!