Online Exclusives

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Back in training…

I’m back across the pond from a great ten days at home. The trip was really nice and I had a great birthday party with friends I hadn’t seen in a while and, of course, my family. I spent a lot of time with my little nephew
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Horses for Japan, Can-Am and More

We are still reeling from the incredible support our fundraiser Horses for Japan engendered. It was one of those ‘lie in bed on a Monday morning’ ideas that took over my life for a couple of weeks. I am always amazed by the huge scal
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This post is dedicated to Erica Brant, a Para Equestrian I heard about that shows extreme determination to achieve her goal. I found her story so inspiring that I thought I would share it with you. I have chosen to sponsor her to help her a
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Where to begin?

Jeez Louise. Can’t a girl take a sick break without all hell breaking loose? There is so much to be opinionated about right now I hardly know where to start. What I really want to do is go on and on AND ON about how incredibly awesomely wonderf
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Home In Vancouver

I’m back home in Vancouver right now for the next 10 days. While I was in trasit, I had to go through the scanners in Amsterdam for the first time. Normally when I travel they’re always broken or have problems but this time I got to exper
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Equestrian Fundraiser for Japan

I was watching the gut wrenching videos from Japan and thought that I need to do a something to help out. We did a sponsored musical ride for the 2008 tsunami so this time I thought of doing an online auction. This isn’t high-tech, just somethi
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Calling in sick

  Since I know some of you are waiting for my reflections on the WDM freestyle from last Friday night, I thought I’d better give you all my letter from home before you start wondering where today’s post is. I brought a special souven
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I was jumping for joy this past weekend, finally 8 1 tempi’s! During the week I managed to get 6 but this weekend I got 8. It couldn’t have happened on a better day. It was a brisk and sunny Saturday morning, we were all trainin
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Steffen Peters, World Dressage Master

Well he hasn’t won yet, but let’s be honest. There really isn’t a contest. (And I don’t want to hear any accusations about jinxing him by writing this. Superstitious people have bad luck) The real scrap tonight will be for second, third a
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Want to watch WDM?

This is just a very quick post to give you all the heads’ up that USEF is providing a live webcast of both the Special and the Freestyles tomorrow. So if it’s been a while since you called in sick, tomorrow might be a great day to be bedr