Online Exclusives

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My, my, my

While the website (and this blog) were getting a face lift, the PR machine at Equine Canada squeaked out a little bomb of a press release which announced that EC has mended its fences with the hell no provinces and soon all the sheep
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Not drowning, waving

Hi everyone. I know some of you are sad about the lack of a post in the last few days, but I promise to have something up shortly! Summer hours, you know…
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Summer Stress and Tensions

A month flies by, filled with road trips and of course the usual ups and downs of competition. Our next outing after Bromont with the two Intermediate horses, Solo and Woody was the Stuart Horse Trials CIC** near Rochester New York. Selena
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Who’s paying for this?

Just when I thought I was about to finally drag myself away from the topic of TB racing/Chuckers, a couple of days ago I was forwarded a scan of the cover of the latest Equine Canada Magazine by someone who concluded it was a ‘must see’ f
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Onwards and Upwards from Badminton

I have been a bit remiss on the blog lately as several of you have made a point of mentioning 😉 Well, to be honest, cross country day at Badminton was such a NA fiasco that the STRUGGLE to get online at Badminton didn’t even enter our minds.
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Days 7 – 10

DAY 7 Sorry everyone I have had no internet access since I arrived at Badminton so I will do my best to remember what happened and get to the good stuff.  Wednesday we had a lesson with Colombo early in the morning. David rode him and said he fe
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Back to Solo

Selena has been gone for most of the month of July and Solo and I are surviving.  Actually, it’s going a lot better than expected and I am thoroughly enjoying the ride on the flat.  I am not going to be jumping him and I am not going
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Well Solo is in Canada and Selena and I are in the USA so his life is fairly quiet right now.  I am helping Selena drive Colombo down to training camp at David O’Connor’s farm in Ocala, Florida.  En route, we had a two day
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Excuses, excuses…

I have a really good excuse for being so late with the blog this time.  Selena and Colombo have been named to the Olympic Team and it has been very hard to concentrate on much else on the weeks preceding the announcement.  Now that it has f