Online Exclusives

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Behind the Scenes at the Pan Ams with Selena O’Hanlon

October 20 Today was a fun filled day. 7:00 a.m. we headed to Hipca. Anne Marie had already done all of Woody’s morning treatments, such as Omega Alpha supplements with breakfast, magnetic blanket, magnetic foot pad, ice, lazer the whole “she
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Show Time!

A lot has happened in the last little bit. I had a great visit with my mom. She had her horsey fix and I had my “mommy” time. There is nothing better than having your mom around to share your time with. She got to meet all my friends here
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Behind the Scenes at the Pan Ams

October 19th Made it to breaky again…damn I’m good. LOL! We rode early. I was first to go at 8:30 a.m. Woody was a tiny bit sick of dressage today. Everyone watching said he looked great, but I think if he could have spoken it might have
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Hangin’ with the heavies

Yesterday was a rest day so Janner and I decided to take in the folkloric charms and artisans of Tlaquepaque, a former village near Guad that has now been swallowed by the sprawl of six million people. We arrived around lunch time and agreed eating o
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Behind the Scenes at the Pan Am Games with Selena O’Hanlon

  At the airport. October 15th Horses fly out mid-morning from Ocala on a charter cool is that?  Lucky grooms get to go with Dr. Ober and the horses. I always wanted to fly with the horses and see what it’s like.  We (the riders, Dav
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Viva Canada!

It’s impossible to be at a competition like the Pan Am Games and not be swept up by patriotic pride, especially when your country’s team comports itself as splendidly as our dressage team did yesterday. Even a cynic like me got all teary eyed whe
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By Jova!

Remember all that perfect tennis playing weather I was going on about in my Guadalajara preview? We were greeted by somewhat less pleasant conditions upon our arrival in the pre-dawn of yesterday morning. Hurricane Jova, which had been downgraded to
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Off to Mañana Land

We aren’t even on the plane yet and already the wheels are falling off our Pan Ams or Bust adventure. I went on the Guadalajara 2011 website this morning – or rather I tried to go on the website in order to get information about whether t
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Karen’s Pan Am Crystal Ball

A week from this evening my husband Jan and I will be winging our way through the darkness – destination Guadalajara. This will be my second Pan Am Games and I’m anticipating a grand adventure. Just like with Rio four years ago, most eque
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Happy Rider

This Past week, I’m feeling really good, Vitall was a star on Friday. He was a star from start to finish and he really showed his endurance because it was HOT! We had to warm-up outside then go to the indoor to ride our test. Walking into the i