Online Exclusives

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I’m a junkie

If you didn’t check out my link to the Akaash web mini-series I mentioned in yesterday’s post, you really should take a peek at what the Horse Junkies posted today about Wonderful Welly World’s un-wonderful dressage woes. It’s
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For Auld Lang Syne

Happy new year everyone! I know we are already a week into 2012 and 2011 is fading fast, but I am going to impose my top list for the past year on you anyway, for the reason expressed in the old Scots cliché that serves as this post’s title: f
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Many Thanks and a Happy New Year!

Another year has whizzed by, I can hardly believe it.  It seems like only a minute ago that we were moving into Balsam Hall. Where on earth does time go? It goes too fast wherever it goes.  After the Royal there were a LOT of clinics and lessons to
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X-mas At Home

Just a note to say I’m sorry for such a delay between my blogs! Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I was just home in Vancouver for the last six days for the holidays. I had a great time. It was really nice to see my family and, of course, l
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I’m outta here

Ever since I learned there was no Santa at the age of around eight, I find this time of year dreary, and Vancouver’s S.A.D. weather certainly doesn’t help.  I am what you might call a Christmas runaway, always running away somewhere els
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Tis the Season

Ten days until I go home for a visit! Time is flying, I can’t believe we are almost starting a New Year! Lately, I have been getting into the holiday spirit. I went ice skating this past weekend was a lot of fun, but for the first time in my li
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A breath of fresh air

  Today, a special treat. A few weeks ago I saw Young Rider Monica Houweling – individual FEI Jr. bronze and freestyle silver at the 2011 NAJYRC – at the BC Young Riders Annual shindig. She mentioned that she had been to this year
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Patrik turns my crank

It wouldn’t seem like the best remedy for the migraine I have been suffering for two days, but I went on FEI TV this afternoon (it really is worth the annual subscription fee) and treated myself to some freestyle action from Stockholm last wee
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Cold Season

It’s that time of year again…cold season 🙁 I’ve managed to pick up a little bit of a bug so I’ve just been resting a lot. I don’t think I have slept so much since I was a kid. But, as they say, sleep is the best remedy. Other tha
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Ignoring is Bliss

We live in a world that constantly bombards us with information, whether we want it or not. TV, radio, the internet, and of course that old fashioned medium that I still cherish – the printed word – relentlessly deliver everything from ho