Online Exclusives

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Changing Guard at DQ HQ

Look out DQ Canada! There’s a new sheriff in town and she means business! Yes, as communicated in a giddy-with-excitement press release two weeks ago, Sarah Bradley has been imported from the world of Eventing to sit in the Chair of DCB throug
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I’m back!

I won’t be blogging on here until Wednesday, but if my World Cup reflections interest you at all, I would ask (with apologies to Pamela) that you click here to see what I posted on Low-Down a few minutes ago.
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Recent Adventures

The past few weeks have been a blast been. Cirque de Soleil Corteo was fantastic! The music and the choreography was superb. I recommend the show to anyone. I would like to use some of the music from the show for a freestyle. I walked out of there fu
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Give me a Break!

I’m headed off the grid for a few days with my patient and long suffering mom, who has been waiting since February 26th to celebrate her 70th birthday with her only child. In case you want to hear the sound of my voice when I have a bad cold, g
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Breaking News: EC Issues a Press Release!

And it’s a press release about an Olympic discipline! And it’s not three weeks after the fact! It came out the day after the event finished! This is a test to see if I can overdose on exclamation marks. Yes I can. And I have. A release ca
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Bad Karma Cold?

Is it superstitious to the point of ridiculous self-obsession for me to think the awful cold I am suffering is the result of my my actions on this blog, and on my other blog, Low-Down (which has a brand new post today)? Don’t answer. I know wha
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New Team Member

A lot has happened over the last month… The biggest news is the new team member for team Duncan. His name is Edward – a three-year-old stallion by United/Damiro. I am totally in love with him. He is so easy to handle and it is a pleasure to ride
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One more thing…

In my last post, I forgot to mention one little item which EC decided to put out as a press release and which definitely fits into the ever-expanding category of highly questionable relevance to EC members.  At this point I would describe EC’s
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The Prosecution Rests

I know some of you are thinking that I’m a grouchy old hag for my laundry list of complaints against EC’s fabulous communications department last week, but I’ll take my lumps. I stand by what I said, and  in my inbox this morning I
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Duh Canada

I’m sitting in West Palm Beach airport, killing the extra hour I have because I thought my flight was at 7 am, not 8:20 (I guess it’s better than making the opposite mistake). Checking email, I found the EC Weekend Preview in my inbox and