Online Exclusives

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Clarification of the Clarification

I’m so confused. I imagine you are too, if you have taken in the latest statement from EC, which has the rather wordy title “Equine Canada Issues Clarified Statement Regarding Victor’s Disqualification.” You can find it here i
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This just in re: Eric vs. EC

Published moments ago on the Globe and Mail’s website is this article by the intrepid and extremely horse sport-friendly reporter Beverley Smith, in which she quotes Akaash (you remember, that well-spoken fellow who used to be the Fearless Lead
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That other news of today

Dudes, I’m sorry I haven’t blogged yet about the wonderful, heart bursting news of Team GB’s historic gold medal (called it!) in the team dressage. I promise, yes promise. A post tomorrow with lots of opinionations on how it all wen
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EC, disservicing an athlete near you

You know I don’t expect much of our national federation. Maybe I don’t expect anything at all. But I did expect that Equine Canada (proposed renaming – because they love to change their name every few years, presumably to shake stal
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Admirable Canucks, Golden Brits

What a day! Almost exciting enough to make me forget what happened yesterday – not quite. But before I go and pick that scab (not a pun, Victor’s cut is so tiny it doesn’t even have a scab)  about the DSQ beside Tiffany’s nam
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Fédération Équestre d’Injustice

I am so upset right now that I am almost incoherent. I don’t know who made Tiffany attend that press conference, but making her sit there, beside the FEI President, and the FEI Foreign Vet who was part of Victor’s disqualification was nea
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Good Grief! (emphasis on grief)

Are you kidding me? Seriously? I feel like I’m stuck in a Ziggy comic strip. Or the Ziggy card I once saw that said “it’s always darkest before it becomes pitch black”. Today, as many of you already know, Tiffany Foster was di
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Rule Brittania!

If Canada isn’t in the running, it’s a no-brainer for me: cheer for our imperial overlords, the Brits. Of course it doesn’t hurt that my favourite dressage horse of all time is ‘Blueberry’ (that’s Valegro’s b
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Canada: 0 for 2

Ok, it’s enough already. Really. Just stop. Can Fate please go and rain on someone else’s parade now? Only two Canadian horses into the first half of team dressage and we already have a big EL beside Canada on the team standings. I unders
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Hawley Update

Just a quick post to let you know Hawley is going to be fine. The fall gave her a concussion and she has what’s called a stable sacral fracture. She broke her bum but it’s the kind of break where the bony bits are still where they should