An update on the relief efforts for the Ukrainian equestrian community, what has been done to date and how you can help.
Equine Welfare
Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges will serve as vice-president alongside president Ingmar De Vos, also president of the FEI.
A number of horses on Arthur Tateishi's farm in Mono, Ontario, reportedly without feed or water have been removed from the property.
A team of equine health specialists will discuss how they work together and how owners can choose the right professional.
'Welfare and Performance of the Ridden Horse: The Future' was the focus of the conference which was presented to a worldwide audience.
Originally planned for February 6th, the third annual Robb Report gala in Wellington, FL, will now take place March 31, 2022.
The German Olympian was caught on video repeatedly subjecting horses to this illegal and painful form of 'training'.
A huge shipment of horse-related goods are on their way to the hardest-hit areas of BC to help horse owners affected by the flooding.
A tireless champion for animals, White was former president of MAF which funds health and welfare research to benefit pets, horses and wildlife.
It will be an offence to buy, sell or gift a horse without an equine knowledge qualification as per new legislation to come into force.