The show remains one of the most prestigious in the world, attracting top-class jumping, driving and dressage athletes and over 2,800 horses.
The win came on home soil at Live Oak International in Ocala, Florida with his team of horses Amadeus, First Edition, Julius V and Kadora.
It was FEI Driving World Cup gold for the Australian at the Final in France, challenged by father-and-son legends Ijsbrand and Bram Chardon.
The Dutch driver now shares top spot in the series with Aussie Boyd Exell; the pair will face off next in Leipzig, Germany.
Day three featured the FEI Driving World Cup, Christmas Cracker and Snowflake Stakes; John Whitaker receives Lifetime Achievement Award.
It was another jam-packed day of dressage, driving and jumping at this iconic holiday show, with large international fields.
The Australian world number one was in a league of his own as he triumphed for the second consecutive weekend.
The Australian driver led the first leg of the 2022/23 series from gate to wire ahead of Ijsbrand Chardon (NED) and Koos de Ronde (NED).
Cities will be allocated in June 2023; the FEI will also consider bids for a full World Equestrian Games comprising all disciplines.
The Netherlands take their 11th team gold during a rain-drenched final cones competition at Pratoni del Vivaro.