Christilot Boylen graced our presence at a recent Dressage Masterclass held at The Barn in Kelowna, British Columbia. The riders and the auditors gained more than expected when the focus of the weekend surrounded proprioception as a vital element of good riding.

Exactly what is proprioception? Sometimes it is referred to as body awareness, but simply put, it is the ability to know where a body part is without looking.

Christilot with clinic participant Sarah Skogland aboard Ellie. (Sarah Skogland photo)

Proprioception is your body’s ability to sense movement, action, and location. It’s sometimes referred to as our sixth sense. It is present in every muscle movement you have. Without proprioception, you wouldn’t be able to move without thinking about your next step. An example of proprioception is the ability to touch your nose with your eyes closed.
