Emotions are heightened at the start of show season as ambitious goals, nerve-wracking fears and struggles to accept failure are all part of the immediate future for riders. And Kendra DeVos (MSW, RSW) will be facing that this season as she and her horse, Gigi, take on the Silver Series at Angelstone.

But as a qualified therapist, Kendra is adept at identifying certain techniques to deal with all of these things and she shares them with Tracey during this episode.

There are many ways to deal with show season stress and enjoy the ride. (photo courtesy Kendra DeVos)

As their conversation unfolds on the latest episode of Hitting Your Stride, host Tracey Mitchell and Kendra begin by asking the question, ‘What do we really want to achieve?’ and go from there. Goals should be something bigger than just ‘a goal’, being important enough to hold significant meaning to us; according to Kendra, a key to this is using ‘The Window of Tolerance’ and finding the sweet spot around the edges.
