Who am I?

That’s the question we all ask ourselves at one point, or multiple points, in our lives. To be honest, at that time in my life when I was 12, I didn’t know who I was or who I was supposed to be. My biggest nightmare was being called upon by the teachers to read in class. I was ashamed and constantly thinking about why school was so hard for me and not for others. I thought it was all my fault ‒ what’s the point of even trying? I should just give up at this point, I don’t care anymore, I’m so stupid. I worked hard and yet got no positive outcomes.

This is when my parents sought professional support and I was diagnosed in grade 6 with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia (see definitions below). I was grateful for answers to finally understand that I wasn’t stupid, I was actually very smart. We realized how important it was for me to have success outside of school, so my journey with horses began.
