A Look at Laminitis

Overweight equines certainly are considered high-risk candidates for laminitis, but horses of any breed, size, etc., can become victims of this condition.

Antioxidants For Horses

In this article, readers can find out everything they need to know about antioxidants, different vitamins and how they can help your horse.

Training Outside the Box with Wendy Christoff

Of all the disciplines, dressage is the one most in danger of becoming boring or stale to both horses and riders. Finding ways to keep things interesting while still building toward one's goals will keep the daily ride interesting, but it also offers tangible training benefits.

Snap, Crackle, Pop!!!

Should you be worried about joint noises your horse is making? Dr. Kathleen MacMillan of the University of Prince Edward Island gives some insight.

What NOT to Feed Your Horse

Everyone has heard stories of ponies that loved to scarf down human foods, but there are many foods, including house plants, that horses should not be fed.

Why is Colostrum so Important?

Colostrum, the elixir of life for newborn foals, is a thick, yellowish fluid produced in the mare's mammary glands towards the end of the pregnancy.