The job of horse show stewards is far more difficult and encompassing than one might imagine. Learn what their responsibilities are.
The future of Canadian horse shows depends on attracting new stewards, judges, and TDs.
Stewards hate being the Logo Police. However, they monitor and help athletes make sure the logos they are wearing are compliant with the written rules.
Many people returning to riding are surprised to find that while the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak and their fitness levels are appallingly poor.
Randy Roy is a senior international judge, course designer and author. He owns and operates Hunters Glen Show Stable in King, ON, with his daughter.
Stewards maintain a presence in the barn during FEI competitions to ensure a high level of stable security. Read this article to find out more.
The OEF has embarked on an intensive restructuring to “put more butts in saddles” in the province, and create a clearer pathway to the top for athletes.
The vet, trainer and owner are gathered around the horse, all eyes focused on the offending limb. The verdict has been decreed – two months' stall rest.
This article highlights why we braid, mount on the left side, and ride dressage: how history dictates the modern horse sport tradition.
When looking to purchase a horse for myself or a customer, size suitability plays a huge factor in determining the ideal match.