When stewards patrol the stabling area, what are they looking for, specifically?

Stewards maintain a presence in the barn during FEI competitions to ensure a high level of stable security. They are there to act as a deterrent to the entry of unauthorized persons and uncontrolled exit of horses. As they patrol, they are looking for irregular practices and asking for authorized appropriate paperwork for medication or treatment of horses. Any cruelty or abuse in the area is immediately reported to, and dealt with, by the technical delegate and the ground jury.

At each event, the chief steward meets with the veterinary delegate and they discuss what support therapies are allowed in the stables. For instance, shockwave is not allowed in the stable area. Laser treatments must be administered with less than a class 4. Cooling boots, wraps, etc.. must not be turned below the freezing mark. MagnaWave must be administered from a low setting. All these things are decided by the vets and monitored often by the stewards.

Above all, stewards are in the stable to be the voice of the horses. If water is lacking, the groom might be called to make him/her aware. Stewards do not enter a stall unless the animal is in distress, but they would not hesitate to call the groom or the person responsible if that horse needed attention.
