You bring your horse in from the field and notice he is lame at the walk. You quickly run your hands over his leg, looking for signs of serious injury, and don’t find anything abnormal. Then you pick up his foot and find a nail sticking directly into the sole.

The first instinct is to immediately pull the nail from the foot to provide your horse with relief from the foreign object; however, this is something vets caution against. There are many important structures within the hoof that can become compromised or infected if the foreign object penetrates into that area, and if you pull the nail before radiographs are taken, it is difficult to know if the injury requires referral to a hospital or if it can be treated on the farm. Because the hoof acts as a barrier to protect those structures, it is very difficult to access them without surgery (and sometimes even with it!).

Instead, call your vet immediately, leave the nail in the foot [providing that the vet will be arriving shortly], wrap it with a protective bandage or put on a clean boot. Once at the farm, your vet will take radiographs to determine what structures are involved. If you are lucky, the penetrating injury is superficial and has missed any bone structures or tendons. If this is the case, you can treat the foot as though it has an abscess once the nail or other object has been removed. Your vet may also give a tetanus booster if your horse is not up to date on its annual vaccines or is close to renewal. A round of antibiotics may also be prescribed.
