For decades, Canadian Welsh Pony breeders have been responsible for producing some of the best ponies for the North American market; many have introduced outside breeds to produce crossbreds that excel in the pony hunter rings without watering down the essence of the Welsh breed.

Performance vs. Type

To meet the needs of riders and trainers who want hunter ponies that resemble mini-Warmbloods, are extremely trainable, and have a quiet disposition, breeders often introduce British Riding Pony, German Riding Pony, Warmblood, or even Thoroughbred blood into their programs. Tracy Dopko of Daventry Equestrian in Darwell, AB, stands several WPCSC (Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Canada) national champion Welsh stallions and breeds both traditional Welsh and crossbred ponies for the hunter ring. She acknowledges the important distinction – and also the widening gap – between the characteristics of traditional Welsh ponies and the desired traits of performance hunter ponies. “If you read through the various descriptions and history of each of the Welsh types, you can see that it differs greatly from what is valued on the pony hunter circuit,” she explains. “The traditional Welsh breeders have very different goals and they are breeding for a very different type of pony than someone who is interested in selling their ponies as pony hunters. For example, the hunter circuit wants an even topline, low head and neck set, and little-to-no knee action at the trot and canter, whereas traditional Welsh ponies are bred to have high knee action, suspension, and carriage. Most “true-to-type” Welsh ponies do not fit into the mold of the ideal North American hunter pony.”
