When confidence is approached as a feeling, the way to change seems to be through willpower. You tell yourself to feel better, to buck up, to believe.
Isn't a perfectionist someone who is hard working and a go-getter? Yes and no. Find out how to set realistic goals and do your own personal best.
Different situations elicit strengths and weaknesses to emerge in people. This article highlights seven qualities of a tough rider.
Performance and training are two sides of the same coin.In order to perform well, you have to train. In order to train, you have to keep performance in mind
Registered psychologist April Clay offers psychology tips for dealing with jealousy.
Sport – and life – come with emotions, and sometimes they are strong and interfering. We must learn to distinguish between feelings and actions.
Feelings of fear and apprehension can trigger the flight-or-fight response, a natural change in your body as a result of feeling threatened.