This exclusive excerpt from Beth Baumert's new book 'How Two Minds Meet' takes us beyond physical harmony to the minds of horses and riders.
Riders have learned in the past year and a half that attaching goals to horse shows is risky business and can cause anger and despair.
In 'Ride Big: The Ultimate Guide to Building Equestrian Confidence', eventer Harry Meade talks about his return to sport after a serious fall.
Researchers are accumulating evidence that perfectionism is actually dual-natured, with positive and negative aspects.
A recent study study suggests the mental health of Canadian veterinarians is “poor” when compared to that of the general population.
The respected rider and coach discusses the importance of evolving, applying what works in other sports, and even how to learn from losing.
Kelsey Perry-Carlsen and a group of industry professionals are planning to help develop character and community through horsemanship and mentorship.
The pandemic has left us in a state of suspension with a profound loss of motivation as the show season is up in the air. How can a rider get their mojo back?
How to tame your reactionary 'lizard brain' during stressful times and get your more rational 'thinking brain' online again.
Three leading trainers offer advice that can improve your well-being and help make you a better version of yourself - in and out of the arena.