Horse owners are always keen to try a product that might improve their horse's health or performance, but some have fallen by the wayside.
Protein deficiency can cause weight or muscle loss and poor hoof and hair growth; an excess can lead to dehydration and fatigue.
Unfortunately, there seem to be increasing cases of neglect and surrenders; here are some feeding tips for rescuers to avoid problems.
This revolutionary hay treatment system is helping horse owners manage equine asthma, as well as providing other health benefits.
Research at the Pony Finals suggests that judges pin plumper ponies – which sets a dangerous precedent for their health.
Only recently recognized as a nutrient, chromium functions to improve glucose metabolism in ponies and horses.
Good-quality forages can provide a horse with all the energy he needs, most of his protein requirements, plus many minerals and vitamins.
Providing important anti-oxidative functions in all animals, sufficient vitamin E can be found in pasture and most commercial feeds.
The equine body is quite efficient at regulating iron levels, making both iron deficiencies and overloads quite rare.
Given the choice, one would assume that horses would make a beeline for yummy red clover hay, but the results of a study may surprise you.