How is it that horses with the same diet and exercise schedule can be so different in weight and body condition score?
You can help ensure your aging horse remains vital and serviceable with a diet to maintain weight and boost the immune system.
Two Champion bodybuilders and horse lovers have used their insider know-how to create nutritional supplements for horses.
Older equines are at a higher risk of developing and dying from colic; here's how to make sure their nutrition and management are optimal.
There may be times when a horse cannot consume hay for a variety of reasons and still must be provided with ample fibre and nutrients.
Research from the University of Kentucky looks at loss of nutrients in rained-on hay, and how consuming blister beetles can be fatal to horses.
The equine industry is awash with dietary supplements, but few are independently tested. Here’s a look at eight products that actually have been!
While a conscientious training program, adequate turnout and regular exercise can help keep a horse more steady, there are feeding strategies that can help.
Feeding small meals many times per day provides horses with a slow and constant intake of feed, which is how their digestive tract has naturally evolved.
A foal is reliant on the mare for its nutritional needs for up to 17 months during pregnancy and while nursing, so its dam's diet is crucial.