
Healthy Mouth Hit List

Veterinarian Dr. Dennis Rach has long considered dentistry a vital element of horse health care and lists the top 10 dental issues he’s observed.

Dressage Conformation

Could there be variations within the confines of how a good dressage horse must be constructed that could explain the differences in performance?

Conformation Effect on Injuries

We have looked at front leg conformation from the side view; this time we examine conformation abnormalities when observing the forelegs from the front.

What is “Calf-Kneed?”

Straight forelimbs are better-equipped to avoid the injuries suffered by misaligned legs. This includes calf-kneed and two other injuries.

Saving Lives in the Lab

Here in this article, Horse Sport outlines a few fascinating colic-related studies underway here in Canada and the new and online tools that are available.